Shades of blue.

"To describe a mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colours of a rainbow." - Maya Angelou 

A Mother's Sacrifice... 

 Every mother wants only one thing from life, that her children should have a happy, independent, successful life. She gives up so much so that her children can have a good life. 

This is the same for Selvi, a helper who works in three households to provide a good education and lifestyle for both her sons. She says that the only happiness she wants from life is that her two children study well and have a wonderful life. 

The Power of Education...

A lot of children don't realize the amount of sacrifice a mother goes through for their wellbeing.
 A mother's every move is always based on "What is good for my kids?" 

Selvi's dream was to become a police officer but it unfortunately didn't come true as she couldn't pass her 10th standard. She later realized that education is the most important thing needed to achieve success and works hard every single day to provide a good education and foundation for her children. Though her dream wasn't fulfilled she wants both her sons to achieve their goals.  

Being Content...

When we start appreciating the small things in life we take pleasure in simplicity, it shows us that we are content with our life. Even a walk with a loved one, a meaningful conversation, a cup of coffee, or just a little fresh air can make us feel happy. 

So, her advice on how to look at life is - "Be content with what you have, even those small things in life matter." 

To all the wonderful people who read this post till the end, a BIG thank you from the bottom of my heart! Watch out for my posts which I'll be publishing every week and to know more about this blog check out the ABOUT page! Keep supporting!


  1. Well written mayuri. I'm so glad that you write about matters close to your heart, with simplicity and sincerity. Wishing you loads of adventure in your journey as a writer. Well done !!!

  2. Very creative ......keep it up mayuri

  3. Wow . Amazing wisdom and clarity in expression thoughts . Keep writing more Chittappa and Revathy Chithi Arumbakkm.


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