Shades of pink.


 “Friendships are fragile things and require as much careful handling as any other fragile and precious thing” - Randolph Bourne 

What is Friendship? 

Friendship is to understand and to be understood. In spending time with friends, we share great conversations, caring and support, and laugh out loud in fun. When we fall on hard times, friends are there to put things in perspective and help us. When we have success, they are smiling at our good fortune. Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you. Friendship is nothing but true and pure love without expectations in return.

What is friendship based on?

It is based on mutual affection, respect, admiration and gratitude for each other. It also relies on loyalty, trust, honesty, forgiveness, empathy and compassion. It is built on shared principles and virtues, which means that friendship is built on common interests that two or more people share. It is an essential aspect of relationship building skills. 

Does friendship last forever?

Friendship has both its pros and cons. Some friendships last only for a short period of time while some friendships last longer than others and some even last forever. Unfortunately, the truth of reality is that most friendships end as they are constantly evolving and there is no one way to guarantee that they will last forever. Sometimes friendships grow apart and sometimes friends fight. As they grow apart over the course of time, without the things that friends once had in common to hold them together, finding new things to keep them bonded outside of shared memories can be hard.

Does friendship need to be taken care of always?

 Though friendships are fragile, they need not to be taken care of every step of the way. People need to keep in mind that friendships help shape who they become and play an important role in their life. The memories that they shared together will last forever even if the friendship didn’t. Broken friendships need not remain the same always. If you value your friendship, trying to fix the broken friendship is what counts. 

A broken friendship can be a comma or a full stop. It’s your choice. 

To all the wonderful people who read this post till the end, a BIG thank you from the bottom of my heart! Watch out for my posts which I'll be publishing every week and to know more about this blog check out the ABOUT page! Keep supporting!    


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