

Scrawny and dishevelled, just a mere boy of ten,

All his hopes and dreams abandoned, forgotten, underwhelmed.

With a hole in his shoe and ears full of sand,

He stood under the platform roof longing, for a helping hand. 




With hunger in his stomach and a yearning for love’s spark,

He craved for the gentle touch of a mother’s caring heart. 

He wished for beautiful nights of laughter and joy

And wanted days filled with the sound of toys.

While a ray of light shone through the broken glass bouncing off the metal plate,

It glinted like silver, his only companion and possession ornate.

He stood an outcast, feeling desolate,

Waiting and waiting for not one paid heed to the cries of the young lad.   

To all the wonderful people who read this post till the end, a BIG thank you from the bottom of my heart! Watch out for my posts which I'll be publishing every week and to know more about this blog check out the ABOUT page! Keep supporting!


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